GMOs: What are Your Thoughts?

Genetically Modified Organisms, otherwise known as GMO’s, are plants or animals created through genetic engineering.  Basically they take DNA from different species and merge them.  This usually creates an unstable combination.  This has been going on for years in order to create pest-resistant and survive herbicide use.  Crops survive more, make more and feed more.  So what is the downside?

GMO’s are still being researched, and everyone has their own opinion.  It comes down to GMO’s being unsafe due to unnatural DNA. We are eating things that are not found in nature. It may take many more years to know the consequences of eating such food.  The fear is that the food may pass on the mutant genes to our bacteria in the digestive tract.

Until GMO’s are no longer allowed on the shelves, you have to make up your own mind and shop how it is best for you and your family.  Here are some reasons why GMO’s are bad.

1. ...

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Fibromyalgia ā€“ Will I Always Be In Pain?

At our practice we run into numerous patients who think they have fibromyalgia, but have never been diagnosed.  I wanted to take some time to explain what fibromyalgia(FM) is and what options there are if you are suffering.

FM is classified as a chronic disorder characterized by widespread pain and sensitivity to the entire musculoskeletal system.  Individuals suffering from FM have days of pain from moderate to severe in multiple body locations.  Most people also report some level of fatigue along with the pain.  To be diagnosed with FM, a patient will possess a minimum of 11 out of 18 specific tender points on the body.

It is estimated that nearly 2% of the population is suffering from FM and women are being affected 10 times more than men.  FM is difficult to treat because you are dealing with multiple complaints and concerns, and the best treatment is most often holistic.

Although studies are lacking for the benefits of chiropractic on fibromyalgia...

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Not Just Good For Calfs; The Benefits of Colostrum

Colostrum is a supplement that has been around for awhile, but new research is coming to light everyday. Colostrum is the first milk produced by cows during the initial days after giving birth. This type is called bovine colostrum. This milk is very rich in immunoglobulins (proteins that help boost the immune system and fight germs). There are also other compounds not found in regular milk such as growth factors, cytokines and nucleosides.

Enough with the science already, let me tell you what it can help with. Studies are showing supplementing with bovine colostrum can help improve:

*Immune System Support

*Athletic Performance

*Gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea, etc.

*Fat Utilization

*Serotonin levels in the brain


Basically speaking, the immune factors in colostrum support the resistance to colds and the flu, to acute or chronic bacterial or fungal conditions. In turn this will also help your gut repair and improve your nutrient absorption.

Immediately taking ...

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Hello?! Is it Tea You're Looking For?

Cold weather equal warm drinks! Winter is still upon us here in the midwest and with so many sugary coffee drinks to choose from we like to shed some much-deserved light on our other cold weather favorite beverage- TEA!

Did you know that tea is the second most widely consumed beverage in the world, after water! Not only are there so many different types to choose from, tea can have some amazing health benefits!


  1. Tea, especially green tea, has an abundance of antioxidants called polyphenols that help fight disease
  2. Research shows that tea can reduce risk of heart disease and even aid in Alzheimer’s Disease and Cancer prevention
  3. Peppermint tea is believed to help combat stress and aid in digestion
  4. Scientist have claimed that drinking chamomile tea could help control diabetes and can also be used for a great skin care treatment
  5. Regularly consuming green or oolong tea has been shown to...
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Fan the Flames of Inflammation

Inflammation is a word that is used often, yet hard to define.  Most of us have a hard time separating inflammation from an ankle sprain vs. inflammation contributing to heart disease and arthritis.  In order to understand how to fight it, it’s important to understand how and why it occurs!

Inflammation is a very common and innate response to an injury, pain or stress.  It is part of our bodies natural defense system to prevent something worse and/or speed up healing time.

Acute inflammation is the first response to an injury or pathogen.  It’s acute because it should only last several days or less.


  • Illness (virus, bacteria)
  • Trauma (punch, kick, sprain)
  • Burn
  • Frostbite
  • Allergic Reaction
  • Stress

There are a lot of players involved in the inflammatory process, but the basics are: heat, redness, swelling, and pain.  These four eventually lead to loss of function as a way to prevent future injury. Acute...

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Top 10 Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

Although many people feel that Apple Cider Vinegar is something new on the health scene, it’s actually been around since 400 B.C.  Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, treated his patients with it! Apple Cider Vinegar has been traced back to Egyptian urns and even Julius Caesar’s army used it to fight off disease.

Apple cider vinegar is made from fresh, crushed apples which are allowed to mature and ferment naturally in wooden barrels.  Natural ACV is brown in color, usually has a cobweb-like substance floating in it and never needs to be refrigerated. It often has a very pungent odor and may even cause you pucker!  These are all good signs of a natural ACV! That cobweb-like substance is called the “mother” and that is where all the health benefits are found.

You may have noticed over the last few years it has become harder to find natural ACV.  Stores took some of them off their shelves because consumers buy based on looks and natural ACV is...

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